
Partial Dentures

Here are some key things to know if you’re considering partial dentures:

  • Partial dentures are used to replace one or more missing teeth, unlike full dentures which replace all teeth. They can be removable or fixed permanently in the mouth.
  • Removable partial dentures have a plastic base with artificial teeth attached, featuring metal clasps that hook onto nearby natural teeth. This replaces missing teeth and stops other teeth from shifting position.
  • There are many types of partial dentures, including flexible dentures like valplast. So it’s best to look at the different options to determine the best one for you. 
  • Dental implants can also be used to provide support for the partial denture and prevent bone loss in the jaw. Implants allow for a fixed partial denture called a bridge.
  • It takes several fittings to ensure partial dentures are custom-made to fit properly and feel comfortable. You’ll need to practice speaking and eating with them.
  • Partial dentures should be removed daily for cleaning. Use a soft-bristled brush and denture cleanser. Be careful not to drop them when cleaning over a sink.
  • See your dentist regularly even with partial dentures, as you’ll still need exams, dental cleanings, and treatment for any tooth decay.
  • Proper oral hygiene remains important to avoid tooth decay or gum disease which can loosen dentures.
  • Partial dentures usually take some getting used to but provide a cost-effective way to restore your smile and ability to properly chew.
  • Partial dentures may feel a bit tight at first, but can be adjusted for your comfort. 

Consulting a dentist can help determine if partial dentures are the right solution for your missing teeth.

Learn more about partial dentures:

Flexible Partials

Partial denture fit and adjustments

Partial denture cost

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